Cindy Sherman is a contemporary pop and postmodernist American photographer. The most renowned series Sherman made is the so-called ''
Untitled Film Stills'', made between 1977 and 1980. Sherman adopted different subject positions based on typical stereotyped characters in Hollywood movies from the 1950s and 1960s.
Sherman examines several concepts, including the drama of the self, gender, and the role of images in the world, forcing the audience to reflect on the truthfulness of the representations they see.
Besides ''Untitled Film Stills'', Sherman has made many other groups: ''Fairy Tales'', ''History Portraits'', and ''Clowns''. Each of the series represents the concept of identity and portrayal in different ways through a very innovative approach.
More specifically, she received a MacArthur Fellowship in 1995 and is now among the most influential artists.