The series "Landscapes of the Future" consists of three embroidered works in black thread, where the text plays a central role. Each piece features a phrase generated by ChatGPT, exploring what we can expect from the future. The embroidered phrases form a conceptual tapestry that invites reflection on the complexity and possible dynamics of what lies ahead.
"The future holds a tapestry of unpredictable possibilities." In this first work, the words intertwine fluidly, reflecting the idea of a future full of uncertainty and potential. The black thread on a light background evokes contrast and tension, symbolizing the many paths that can be taken and the uncertain outcomes that may arise.
"The future holds a tapestry of interconnected egos." The second piece addresses the interdependence between individuals in an increasingly digital and globalized world. In firm strokes, the embroidered letters represent the intertwining of identities and egos, suggesting that human connections will be fundamental in shaping future landscapes.
"The future holds a tapestry of unexpected feedbacks." In the final work, the text symbolizes how actions can generate surprising and unforeseen results. The text highlights the unpredictable nature of the future, where the effects of our decisions are feedback in unexpected ways. Together, these works weave a poetic and open vision of the future.