
The work raises the insistence of repetition through minimal changes, the division and decompression of time and movement in small fragments. Following the ideas of Zeno (ideas later confirmed by the cinematographer), time would be made of small instants stopped, easily decompressible and demonstrable. But these ideas seem to be no more than a simulacrum. Neither time nor movement can be captured, since they are a flow, which we could only, with luck, try to represent. In the words of David Oubiña:
“Time cannot be represented because it is not possible to fix it. It is a flow, that is, indivisible continuity in permanent change. [...] What is real - affirms Bergson - is change; form is a deceptive detention of what is in transit. That is because our perception can only produce discontinuous images of what is, in truth, fluid.”
'Greyhounds' divides time, the dogs turn clockwise, like the three hands of a clock. The turn is divided into 119 sheets numbered in grids. They turn in a circle, they walk but do not advance, constant repetition in an animal that is meant to run as greyhounds are, circling in full watercolor, with a ghostly appearance. Amalgamating time with space, they walk in a circular space, while repeating themselves in a loop, in a circular time.

lwh: 150x220x60 mm

Weight: 1000 g